Sowing Seeds


Studying for a sermon to preach tomorrow and an instant message came in from a young lady that was in a youth group a few years earlier with my wife and I. As she ask questions and revealed how much she loves people even if they challenge her every step in belief, of the one true God, I realized the answers for her were in the very scripture I was currently studying. This may not excite some but it just lets me know God is always prepared and will prepare us as we seek His guidance. I may have been surprised to hear from her as she lives in another state now, but God was not surprised, and already had scripture/answers prepared before she ever ask. This young lady is very special and has a heart for others just in a situation she cannot control. I have included the conversation below with her permission as it may help others in the same situation. Please pray for her, her family, and those around her. Also, do not forget to always reach out to those around you as you may be the only Christian they ever get to talk with. When this young lady started coming to youth group we picked her up along with some friends and took them home every week, all we were doing is planting seeds, and I am overjoyed to hear she is still looking to God for help and still growing.

Young Lady: I need a question answered please……..You have answered this for me before but I can’t answer it…….the question is—If God is so great, why are people, abused, raped, homeless, have cancer, and such??

Answer: Because Adam and Eve brought sin into the world and we have failed as a world to turn back to God. This is also the reason Jesus suffered and died for us. The bible says in Matthew 5:45 the just and unjust will suffer and prosper. The difference being that with God you have peace and hope because we realize this is only temporary. My dad has Alzheimer’s and will die but I know God is in control and there will be a glorious day coming. See I know the hope and love of Christ in the good and bad times of my life. If we as a country would glorify God in all things we could get through the bad more easily. Without God we just create more bad for us and those around us.

Young Lady: I live with people that question my faith every day…….They don’t believe in what I believe in……they all put God down……I argue with them and try to give answers but they still chose to not believe……. But even though they are like that, I still believe and I still talk with God I don’t let them get to me and make me stop believing

Young Lady: Like just now, I was told that what I believe in is quote “bs”……. He said it’s all just a figment of our imaginations……I got frustrated and went to my room…….I can’t argue with them anymore……I can only argue so much

Answer: One thing to remember is the gospel and Jesus do not need defending. You live the gospel and let people see Christ through how you handle life. When things go wrong for those that supposedly don’t believe they will seek out someone they see living a Christian life and ask for prayer. The Holy Spirit will eventually touch them and you will have an opportunity. Stay in the Word to show yourself approved and hide the gospel in your heart to be revealed when the time comes.

Young Lady: That makes since…….I miss going to church…….i miss worshiping God with others who believe……. I do it on my own everyday but it would be nice to talk with people about God

Answer: Well for sure Ms. Becky and I love you and your family and you are in our prayers. Don’t stop believing. God will make a way He always does.

Young Lady: Thank you I love y’all too…….I will always believe……I believe in Him and what he does

Answer: Will be Praying for you and we love knowing you are praying for us as it helps us. You are a special person never forget that and you have talents God has given you

Young Lady: Thank you…….

Answer: I have a few scriptures for you. Acts 7:54-60 8:1-3 Chapter 9. See here was Saul (Paul) stoning the man of God to death or at least approving of the actions and one chapter later God gets ahold of him and he becomes the greatest evangelist this world has known spreading the gospel to all he met. Pray for those that persecute you like Steven did in his death and you never know what God may do with them.

Young Lady: So pray for those who don’t believe?

Answer: Yes and those that persecute you as well. This is a tough lesson and difficult to follow through but well worth it as God will honor you heart.

Young Lady: I’ve prayed for them for this reason before but I will do it more

Answer: Pray without ceasing never give up on others as Jesus never gave up on mankind. I write a blog can I use this conversation I will not use your name.

Young Lady: Yes of course

Answer: Your heart felt care will help others.

Young Lady: I hope so…….may I know the name or your blog? I’d love to read it

God Bless You All,


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